I like to think that I share a lot because:
- I want to help others avoid suffering in ways
that I have.
- I want others to know that they are not alone.
- I want people to find hope and solutions that
they might not have considered.
- I want people to find the freedom and peace that
I dreamed of finding for so long and have now finally found.
- My soul cries out, “taste and see that Love
is good…. And that the spirit of Love is IN
YOU” and I can't help but try to tell others.
The world lies and so many of us were sold a false version
of Love. There is no Fear in Love. There
is no judgement. There is just learning
and growth and acceptance and reciprocal encouragement and mutual support.
But, if I’m being totally honest, I also share selfishly at times, too.
- So I can avoid the triggering I feel in my body
when people who are close to me say hateful things without realizing it.
- So I can point out the ways that my ego was right
and theirs was wrong because it makes me feel superior and therefore safe.
- So I can avoid the fear that threatens to
overtake me when I look around and feel as though entire communities are living
in a different reality than I am, due to misinformation and our corrupt
media conglomerates in this nation.
- So I can stop feeling so frustrated at the
general apathy, close-mindedness, and unwillingness of people to consider other perspectives, different from their own, in order to investigate and honestly
determine the best solutions for us as a nation, or for themselves as a human.
I don’t honestly know which this one is - a genuine desire to help others or a selfish desire for this madness to end.
It puts people at risk. Worse, it puts people I love at risk,
even though they are LEGAL immigrants. I
believe that it is fundamentally immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional. None of which are small things.
But honestly, emotionally, I am just so
tired of people being so willing to pull the wool over their own eyes and
disregard basic facts. I am tired of the news, the politicians, the advertisers, the CEOs, and all the others lying to make it harder and harder to determine truthful fact from manipulative deceit. I am tired of the
all-or-nothing thinking and the what-about-isms. We are not toddlers. Communication requires both a desire to hear
and understand, as well as to talk and be heard, by ALL PARTIES involved.
This is one of those completely irritating immigration
political points for me. It’s exhausting
and I don’t understand why people are not willing to hear or understand it, because, honestly, it seems really simple to me.
Many of us would support an ethically-run immigration system
wherein those immigrants who are granted temporary status have that status
revoked if they are found guilty of having committed a crime. We would support returning the 'rapists' and 'murderers' to their home countries and not granting them legal status in this
country, if this were, in fact, rapists and murderers.
That is not what is happening here.
When it comes to politics and laws and how our government
functions, one must be willing to read all of a thing, and to read between the
lines, if one is going to consider it at all, because that is where changes are
really occurring, that is where the boundaries are being pushed, and where the loopholes are being created.
First, please know, I am not going to argue this particular act or
immigration as a whole. I am done with that. If we disagree, we disagree. If you have facts which might change my mind, please share them, but if they can't be proven or cited from reputable sources, then don't waste my time. I can read the act for myself with my own eyes. I can read the amendments which have been added.
And because I have, I will, also, provide a
few seeds for you to also hopefully consider.
No, I do not support the Laken-Riley Act and here is why:
were things in this act that are extremely problematic, in my opinion.
This act allows for mandatory detention of people simply based
on “accusation and/or arrest”. There is
no difference provided in the treatment of the accused versus the guilty. Additionally, it created several judicial
review changes, all of which serve to strip all possibility of rectifying any wrongdoing
and removing any outside oversight. I personally want MORE ACCOUNTABILITY, not less.
The only course of action that an innocent immigrant has now that this has been passed,
is to ask for the Dept of Homeland Security to check and see if they were designated
correctly in their immigration category which allowed us to detain them.
Well, if their designation is “accused of a crime”, then guess what, Dept
of Homeland Security can look and say, “yep, the designation is correct. You were accused of a crime.” And that’s
that. That is the only recourse. Any person can accuse an immigrant of a crime,
and they can be confined without any recourse.
What happened to innocent until proven guilty? You see, this is where the racism comes in -- some people assume that they are all guilty and want them all treated as such without any rights to due process or humane treatment.
Some of us believe that doing that is the equivalent to treating an entire group of people differently simply based upon the color of their skin or the nation in which they were born, and we define that as racism, and, in this case, White Supremacy - believing that the white nationalities are better, safer, deserve to live here, whereas the others, well, they can "just go back to where they came from". Right? Gross.
You can read the internal memo which was sent out to employees
and see exactly what they were concerned about.
I highlighted the parts that concern me.
Assuming control over immigrants for any reason they deem required, regardless of law, and
ensuring that no one can stop them.
Here’s an article that explains a little better than I do:
expert says the bipartisan Laken Riley Act is unjust, wasteful and a Trojan
horse : NPR
Here is the internal memorandum instructing employees about
the new changes. (I highlighted the
parts I, personally, have a problem with.):
Here is the actual Act and addendums where you can clearly
see and read the verbiage that is being included/excluded, etc.
S.5 - 119th Congress (2025-2026): Laken Riley Act |
Congress.gov | Library of Congress