Sunday, June 2, 2024

Let's Talk -- Over Here, In a Safe Space

I've been feeling a shift in my Spirit lately, encouraging me to start to organize and be more conscious with my writing again.  (Long story to come at some point, but, other than sharing on Facebook occasionally, I've been on a little writing hiatus.)

Over the years, I have used my writing for a variety of different purposes. I have published devotionals for women, maintained a blog to document our international adoption, am writing a book about my deconstruction from evangelical Christianity, write poetry and song lyrics, and have created and maintained numerous organizations' websites, newsletters, and bulletins. 

Regardless of the context in which the writing was being used, however, the underlying purpose for me has always been the same - sharing in order to help others.

I want to share with others.  

I want to share what I have learned.  I want to share what I have experienced.  I want to share what I have seen.  I want to share what I feel.  I want to share what I sense.  I want to share my fears and my hurts and my pain and my love and my joy and my excitement.  And I want you to do the same, because we are all connected.

What affects me, affects you.
What affects you, affects me.
We are all in this world together!
We need each other!

Let's share and be open and learn from one another!  That's the best way.  We have to work together, or we will tear ourselves apart.

Friends, speak your truths.  Lift your voices.  But also, consider other perspectives.  Listen to others' truths.  Hear all the voices.

It is my hope that this space will allow me to share things from my life in a safe way that allows people to choose if they want to receive or not.  

Love must include choice.  It is my hope that my open and honest sharing about my experiences and lessons learned in this life are received as gifts of information, a sharing of life for the purpose of learning and growing together.

These are my Earthly Offerings.  

Accept or reject them as you wish.  


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